Thursday, December 9, 2010

HHS Football Players Questioned....and Coached

This past Thursday, all HHS football players were pulled out of their classrooms and questioned on issues related to verbal abuse from their coaches. At first, I was very happy to hear this news; However, when I found out that certain coaches were allowed access to the kids before and after they were privately interviewed, it became obvious that these football "coaches" were putting pressure on the kids and "coaching" them on what to say and (more importantly) what NOT to say. Hey, at least they are good at coaching something, cause it sure as hell aint football (as evidenced by the yearly collapses). Nevertheless, this was a poorly run investigation. Any investigation where the defendents are allowed access to the witnesses is laughable. These are kids we are talking about. Do you think they folded under the pressure?


  1. This is sickening.

    How do people, supposedly educated people who are very well compensated ($850 per day for carter?) to act in the best interests of children, allow this to happen?

    How about if a teacher called your daughter a cocksucker in her HS math class? How is that different than a football coach (who's a teacher on the athletic field) calling a teenage boy a cunt or a faggot?

    Yeah!! Somebody explain that one to me.

  2. The Prosecutors office is on it because the NJSIAA investigation was just a show to cover their asses. Don't fear, Marty's days are numbered.
    Also, take into account that Marty is the most hated figure in the history of HHS sports, (yes worse that degennaro and vinny johnson) Even if coached, do you really think that the kids would cover for him if given the opportunity to get him out of coaching? Think about it, he is done! Iam sure some kids were scared into keeping quiet but I would bet my life that at least a handfull of them spilled their guts! Hats off to the Hudson County Prosecutors office! At least somebody gives a shit about the hoboken kids and still realizes that where there is smoke, there is usually a fire.

  3. I can't even begin to express my outrage over this situation. As a parent & a former HS & college athlete it's appalling to me that this is the state of affairs in Hoboken.

    As much as the JC public schools, besides Lincoln, are an absolute disaster, what's going on in Hoboken is even worse. It's one thing to lose games & it's another thing to lose games you should win, however to embarrass, humiliate & demean innocent teenage boys & rob them of their confidence & self esteem & psychologically torture them is about as low as a "coach" or teacher can go, besides sexual abuse.

    The problems begin with the "offensive" coordinator, continue up through the head "coach", over to the director of athletics, who's as useless as tits on a bull, the HHS administration & the (interim) district administration - including Peter E. Carter.

  4. dont forget the board president rose markle. she will cover for all these disgraces

  5. Tags, a very “white” Christmas & 2011 with all the “powdery stuff” he can handle, another sham “investigation” AKA cover up, more “do nothing” jobs, chapstick 4 all the a$$ he kisses, a spine, all the HGH he can use & shirts that fit, that elusive 1st state championship (2005 belongs 2 the king)

    Marty, a clue, a new (single) side piece, 5 ferris OL transfers, a personality & a parking sticker, 4 his wife & superiors 2 never catch on 2 his act & the real idiot’s guide to not giving up double digit leads in the 2nd ½ of BIG games, the courage 2 admit he sucks & is a loser in all aspects of life & career

    VJ, another get out of jail free card, a promotion, head softball coach 4 HHS, more HS girls 2 steal cherrys from, all the HHS attire he can steal & a bottle of lotion, the ability 2 keep double & triple dipping, nobody 2 catch on 2 his antics

    Soraphine, more jobs that he doesn’t do well or a promotion to AD or VP, carmex lip balm 4 all the a$$ he kisses, a clue on how 2 coach FB, BB & SB, the award for biggest phony in the history of Hoboken, boxing lessons for his fight with Doug, the ability 2 keep fooling most people all the time

    Doug, a job he doesn’t get fired from, a clean criminal history review, a dictionary or computer with spellcheck for all his semi-illiterate posts on here, syringes & steroids for the annual “summer pump”, a boxing match with Soraphine 2 finish what they started on the sideline in NP, another run 4 BOE 2 try 2 get himself a job



  6. I dont even think anyone could ever top that. LMAO

  7. Its sad and I really don't approve of disclosing some of that stuff but I don't think anyone can challenge the accuracy of that post. Tags letting Marty control every aspect of the program is the reason hhs sucks now but the rest of those guys are cancerous. Doug and Vinny need to thank god every day that they have never seen the inside of a prison cell. Sorafene is just a joke, not a criminal. Those guys are stealing from kids period. It was all good when they won states every year with the double dipping but now that they suck, what's the point? Iam sure there will be more jersey city recruits and more hard working hoboken kids put on the bench all In the name of martys ego. Have a happy new year and look forward to 3 and 7 again. Thanks marty!

  8. Why is everyone so surprised? Marty has been a piece of shit since high school. Nobody liked him because he was always trying to screw all of his friends girlfriends. He went to college and surrounded himself with people who didn't know his act and did the same thing there. Since he started coaching at hhs he hasn't done a single thing to help a kid. He only helps himself and his ego. I can't name one player who benefited from his coaching and now that they are grown men, they hate him. He is not welcome in the projects where most of his former players live and he gets no respect anywhere. Taglieri had a reputation as a decent man but marty has ruined that too. Now tags is just seen as the person who allows marty to hurt kids. I know the purpose of this site is to make people aware of martys antics with the hope that he will resign or be fired but I don't think it will happen. The people in charge just don't care enough about sports to worry about how the athletes are getting treated. Marty will never resign because he has no personal pride and will never acknowledge that he is a failure and is damaging kids. Calling kids faggots and cock suckers because they don't perform on a football field is not coaching. I don't care how bad the kids behave. The only way to get him out is to go speak to a lawyer about the way your kids are being treated. Instead of talking online, you need to start talking about things like emotional distress and punative dammages.
